Born to Silly


Note. In the interest of speed I've generally not been shading Stone Mane's darker nutmeg brown coat for these dreamscape postings. However for this posting I felt the shading would better convey reflections on his coat.
Applejack: Dressed? Uh, beg pardon, Rarity, but, uh… we don't normally wear clothes. The Best Night Ever. Season 1
In a culture where nudity isn't an issue, public bathing is a common occurrence in my Equestria dreamscape. That said a pony can still find it visually very interesting watch another pony bath. That whole wet mane look.
There's a proper bathroom inside the farmhouse at Sweet Apple Acres. However in barn there's a rudimentary shower that one can quickly rinse oneself off. By 1 in the afternoon Sweetie Belle wandered off back home and Stone Mane had finished his plowing chores.
Applebloom went back up to the farmhouse to see when lunch would be ready. Confirming it would be served soon the filly went looking for Stone Mane.
Hearing sounds from the barn Applebloom went and investigated. She found Stone Mane was rinsing off the sweat from his labors and trying to cool off. However Applebloom may want to take one now.

To be continued.


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