> She jerked her head up, making eye contact with an orange colt with magenta eyes. He was smiling as he stared down at her.
> "Hello!"
> Sirius flattened her ears. "Um… hi."
> "Your name is Serious, right?"
> Sirius scrunched up her muzzle. She sat up. "Actually, it's Sirius."
> "Oooh. Sorry, I wasn't sure how exactly to pronounce it." He grinned.
> "…It's okay?" She shuffled uncomfortably. "Err… why are you here, anyway?"
> The colt shrugged. "You seemed all alone. I'm Apple Syrup, by the way. But y'all can just call me Syrup."
> "Y'all?" Sirius repeated.
> "Just something we apples say. Comes with our accent or somethin'."
> "Oh." Sirius slowly nodded. "You're from the Apple family?"
> "Eyup!" Syrup now beamed with pride. "But that's nothin' compared to your family!"
> Sirius tilted her head. "Why's that?"
> "Isn't it obvious?" he replied. "You're a princess, and the daugher of two other princesses. That's awesome!"
> "It is?" The corners of Sirius' moth picked up a little.
> "Why wouldn't it be?"
> She looked at the ground. "Well… no one's really spoken to me. I assumed it was because I'm a princess…"
> Syrup frowned. He pouted as he thought of what to say next. "Well…" he began. "I'm talkin' to you."
> Sirius looked up from the blades of grass and into his eyes. No one said anything, but if they did, they would've been interrupted by the bell. They both flinched at the sound.
> "I better go," Sirius said, putting on her saddlebag.
> "Me too," Syrup agreed. The alicorn nodded and began to walk off. "Wait!"
> She turned around. "What?"
> "I'll see you tomorrow… right?" He gave a hopeful look.
> "Erm… sure," she replied, before trotting out the gates.
> —-
> AYYY it's the Twiluna foal! She's a little unsociable bean who was to intimidating to approach by anyone apart from an annoying brat who just doesn't care. Perfect match made in heaven c:
> More will be introduced about this filly soon, don't worryyyy