Don't know if the artist will see this…but a gift for [NorthernDawn](/profiles/Kaifloof). Really love you and your wolf Zima's designs — unity of my two favorite animals ever. Hope you're doing well.💖
%This is my first wolf vector! Whoo-hoo! 🥳%
*To all who view this gift art: Please do not raise the same issue >>2009051 had three years ago. Thank you.*
*For that consideration, I took Zima's design and Time Vortex's mane, tail and colors from the vector linked above. Zima's pose is based on a real red wolf photo, linked below:*
[]( Time Vortex's pose is showified from Princess Celestia's in the MLP Movie here: [](,_Celestia,_and_Cadance.jpg)
If it's allowed when the time comes, maybe this vector can be in the 2022 Community Collab? 😇
Update 27 days later, Sunday 12/12/21: Artist has updated name to [Kaifloof](/profiles/Kaifloof). Glad you like it buddy. 🥰