Originally posted on: February 4, 2016, 6:22 PM UTC
> Reference Ricky|HP
> **This is my Ex-'s PonySona (he is not a brony)
> ——-
> Name:** Rick(y)
> **PonyName: **Sun Ray
> Nicknames: Wicky, PK
> Birth date: 04-03-1995
> Age: Adolescent
> Race: Pegasus
> Height: [romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/g…](https://romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/gallery/48783515/Ponies)
> Likes: snow, sea, speed on any surface (water, tarmac, dirt, snow), bikes, weapons, incense and scented candles, surfing, skiing, food, Pk's, sailing, swimming (basically allot of sports haha), showering, spending time with friends, games, music, youtube.
> Dislike: Sexual stereotypes, rain, traffic .
> **Cuteymark: **A V-twin engine
> **About Ricky: **Ricky is Romy's ex-colt friend/special somepony. He likes motors and most things with allot of power and wheels and owns a motorcycle. He likes fire/fireworks, watching videos, weapons, hanging around with his friends with/or Romy, a bit of gaming and knows allot about anything drive-able with an engine. He's a real sweetheart, spontaneous and often puts himself after others and also loves to chat, about his hobbies or anything he finds interesting. He is currently attending Technical University as a third-year student.
> Worst habit: Delaying things for too long/ A little bit of Hoarding/ short fuse/ needs some time to trust another pony
> **Pets: **Doesn't personally own one, but has a family dog (Lab) and a few tiny plants 😁 (3)
> Relationship status: Single
> Reference Ricky|HP
> **This is my Ex-'s PonySona (he is not a brony)
> ——-
> Name:** Rick(y)
> **PonyName: **Sun Ray
> Nicknames: Wicky, PK
> Birth date: 04-03-1995
> Age: Adolescent
> Race: Pegasus
> Height: [romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/g…](https://romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/gallery/48783515/Ponies)
> Likes: snow, sea, speed on any surface (water, tarmac, dirt, snow), bikes, weapons, incense and scented candles, surfing, skiing, food, Pk's, sailing, swimming (basically allot of sports haha), showering, spending time with friends, games, music, youtube.
> Dislike: Sexual stereotypes, rain, traffic .
> **Cuteymark: **A V-twin engine
> **About Ricky: **Ricky is Romy's ex-colt friend/special somepony. He likes motors and most things with allot of power and wheels and owns a motorcycle. He likes fire/fireworks, watching videos, weapons, hanging around with his friends with/or Romy, a bit of gaming and knows allot about anything drive-able with an engine. He's a real sweetheart, spontaneous and often puts himself after others and also loves to chat, about his hobbies or anything he finds interesting. He is currently attending Technical University as a third-year student.
> Worst habit: Delaying things for too long/ A little bit of Hoarding/ short fuse/ needs some time to trust another pony
> **Pets: **Doesn't personally own one, but has a family dog (Lab) and a few tiny plants 😁 (3)
> Relationship status: Single
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