Born in the Crystal Canterlot, in the then Crystal Empire, she started off as a misfit filly, under legal protection, but after she realized how King Sombra was mistreating normally ponies, even one who had a the smallest history of bullying, she helped her brother, her foal sitter, and her only foalhood friend her age, to put an end to his reign. Unfortunately, this caused a chain reaction, misfits started being discriminated, fear and racism spread in days, and because Earth ponies weren’t aloud to use magic, she was separated from her friend, Flash, and her older brother, Shining, to go to a reform school to be forced act how society would want to act. She lived in depression because of that school, but her need to impress made her study, and want to pass, even the prep school sections. The only thing she liked about it was the library. Eventually, Rainbow disrupted one of the classes, forcing the teacher to stop it early. Twilight followed the slower Pinkie, eventually, by some miracle, she caught up, but accidentally crossed the border, and was soon arrested. Zecora eventually freed her, convinced her to become friends with other ponies.