“Yeah sure, I can do a much better sand castle than that!” his unicorn friend said, looking at the little castle. “Just give me one of the buckets bucket and you’ll see how a real sand castle is done” he finished, taking one of the buckets near him and filling it with sand.
“Oooohhhh, watch out guys, we’ve got an engineer over here” the pegasus sarcastically said to nobody in particular, then added “I’ll take the other bucket, and I’ll do a castle that will make Princess Twilight’s fancy crystal castle jealous”
The blue unicorn couldn’t help but just facehoof at his sentence in a giggle. “Wow, dude, pick up that self-esteem, you’ve got it in the ground” he retorted teasingly to his friend, then proceeded to focus at the task at hoof.
Nearby, there was a certain plane pony walking back to the beach, she had just flew quite a bit and had some fun with some other plane ponies that were there, one of them being an Su-24 that was dragged to the water despite her insistence that she’s scared of it. Her reaction upon opening her eyes and realizing that his friends were carrying her and that she was quite far away from shore was worth a thousand bits.
It was a quite nice day indeed, but now she was going back to the hangar, anyways she was somewhat tired already, after a little walk she reached a point where the water barely reached past the blue zone on her hooves. Looking if there was someone around, and confirming that there was no micro around, she shook herself the water on her fur, pretty similar to a cat, a rain falling around her as she kept moving, thankfully there was no micro nearby, or else it would’ve been quite embarrassing for the plane pony.
After concluding she was dry enough, she walked away of the water, looking around, there wasn’t any more plane ponies other than her, having nothing to think about related to the beach, she couldn’t help but idly wonder what she was going to do back in the base, perhaps she could go have some fun with Sturm and the gang, that or visit SeaMaster, she always liked to hang up for anything, even if she was a little shy… she couldn’t help but giggling at herself considering that she itself was way shier than SeaMaster.
Meanwhile… back on the ground…
“Your fort sucks Hans!” “Dude, what are you talking about? My castle is obviously way better than yours!” “Don’t you dare compare my masterpiece to that!”
They were still arguing about who had the better castle… in a playful manner of course, but still they hadn’t decided which one won… “And that looks like a spray tanned banana! Mine’s looks like it could slap the Princess’s castle in Manehattan!” said the Pegasus, who couldn’t help but giggle himself, it was clear they weren’t being serious, or atleast that’s what they thought.
“That one is on Canterlot you doofus! I’m the best mamma-jamma in castle making!”
“Oh, well anyways! My castle is way better because…” At that point his unicorn friend stopped listening to him, as a shadow suddenly was casted over the two, the Pegasus was way too busy listing why he got the skills to actually notice, but the unicorn stopped and looked up, craning a little his head back to see a light blue belly and four legs that extended like pillars towards the sky, he couldn’t say anything but do a little gasp when he realized that the giant’s pony hindhoof came just above them and quickly descended, coming down and completely covering both.
The unicorn and the Pegasus (Who didn’t even realize what was going on) were pressed down to the sand by the giant pony’s hoof, their vision suddenly fading to black as the hoof blocked any sunlight, even though they were firmly pressed, they didn’t feel flattened, crushed or hurt at all, it was actually quite soft and covered with fluffy fur where they both felt sinking on.
The plane pony giantess stopped motion when she felt something under her left hindhoof, she got a little worried she might have stepped on some poor’s micro beachchair and quickly lifted her hoof to check what she did step on.
Her eyes went wide and she let out a shocked gasp when she realized that she hadn’t stepped on just some object, but on two ponies, said ponies suddenly being lifted high above the beach’s ground, firmly embedded on the frog. The plane pony ekranoplan blushed and looked back at the micros, profusely apologizing: “I’m really sorry, I didn’t see you guys, are you all alright?”.
Both tiny ponies tried to pry themselves off the soft and furry underhoof with no little effort, after they got unstuck by themselves, they stood up on the plane pony’s raised hoof, both ponies a bit confused, lying down in the hoof’s wall to wait until they could feel better. “Uh… it’s okay…” said the unicorn, “We… we are okay, just… uh… dizzy…”
“Oh, good to hear, again, I’m really sorry” She said, bashful and embarrassed of the whole ordeal, “We macros try to be careful, but things happen… sorry” she repeated, her ears lowering.
“Don’t worry about it, we’re fine…” the unicorn said, having stood up fully on the hoof, not lying on the wall anymore. “Though I guess we won’t know which castle was better, right Light?”
The unicorn, not receiving a reply, turned around to look at his friend, to his surprise, he had his wings extended and was blushing deeply, trying to cover his face with his hooves. The unicorn giggled a little at the embarrassment of his friend and said “I got you now you schlep!”, the friend in question looked back at him in surprise and just stuttered “Uh, oh, no, I-I’m fl-flapping my wings, yeah… to fly off, s-shut up.”
“Yeah sure” The unicorn replied sarcastically, the plane pony who was watching them both couldn’t help but also giggle at both micros.
Drawing I made of the Lun Class Ekranoplan, but ponified, I wanted to make her a quite adorable plane pony, and hopefully I did good :D (Though she might not be really a plane pony but a boat pony considering how they’re classified as maritime ships by the International Maritime Organization).
I also made her quite fluffy, because fluff forever. The markings are of the Soviet Navy, from what I remember, but it was more to be realistic with the real aircraft rather than she’s Soviet (And I’m not even sure how a soviet state in Equestria would be like, go ask Starlight that.). In all honesty she was somewhat of a pain to draw, I had no idea where to put those engines, but I think it looks good like that.
In the background there’s a military base to the right side with a radar and a Full HD 1080p (Sarcasm detector explodes) SA-2 missile station, also known as the flying telephone pole :P. I also did at the left side a city near the shore.