> Prepare | MLP Next Gen | Revival Season Finale
> Here we are! The season finale! I got this done (after some technical issues) pretty quick. The next arc/season will be called "Plans" so look out for that!
> ——————————————————————————————————-
> In this part, we see Cobalt rallying her friends as Sweet Tooth questions how they're gonna help. We then see Sombra and Ivory discussing their plans and putting them in motion, Ivory transforming into Flurry Heart to get inside the castle. Then we see the real Flurry captured by Chrysalis. Lastly, we see the mane 6 getting the elements, unsure of just what they're up against.
> —————————————————————————-
> Cobalt: C'mon guys! Our moms need us!
> Sapphire: Alright, let's get going then!
> Sweet Tooth: How exactly are we gonna help? We're not elements of harmony. We can't work the crystal heart. Those are the only things to have defeated Sombra in the past.
> Cobalt: We'll find some way! I just know it!
> __
> Sombra: Ivory, you transform into that Flurry Heart and take her place at the castle. Once you're in, go to the crystal heart and cast the spell i taught you. That should teleport it to our current residence. Once you're done, return home. Then, we handle the elements of harmony.
> Ivory: transforming Okay father! But what if they realise i'm not the princess?
> Sombra: They wont. But if they do, teleport home immedately and we'll come up with a better plan.
> Ivory: Alright father!
> __
> Chrysalis: My daughter is already transforming into you as we speak! Soon enough, our plan will be in full motion!
> Flurry: You'll never get away with this! Mom and Dad'll know that's not me!
> Chrysalis: Oh i think not. If i fooled them once before, i can do it again!
> Flurry: No!
> __
> Twilight: Alright girls, we have the elements! I don't even know if these'll work on him, what if-
> Rainbow: Twi, relax! We dealt with him before, we can do it again!
> AJ: Yeah, sugarcube, this ain't somethin we can't handle.
> Twi: Right… Let's go to the crystal empire then, girls.
> —————————————————————————
> Bases by:
> [ElementBases](https://www.deviantart.com/elementbases) [S-oujiiSan](https://www.deviantart.com/s-oujiisan) [xXMelody-ScribbleXx](https://www.deviantart.com/xxmelody-scribblexx) [KIngBases](https://www.deviantart.com/kingbases)
> —————————————————————————
> Notes: This wasn't meant to be the season finale until i saw the way i positioned everything and thought "this would be a good cliffhanger for a season finale" and made it so. Also, the chrysalis came with the base so that's why she looks infinitely better than how i draw her.
> ————————————————————————
> MLP belongs to hasbro
> All Next Gens I use belong to me.