Born to Silly


Kennedy’s sordid past: Kennedy was a batpony that fled from Germany to Boston after the first world war and during the Second World War . He gave himself a new name, started a family and buried all things of his past life behind him. However, when he in his basement tinkering with his sons toys, the bombs dropped. The door and basement were covered with lead resin, but the basement door was covered in debris. He knew he had to get out, as doubtful as he was he had hope his wife was and son still alive. He then had the idea to blow a hole in the a weak spot in the wall that had suffered water damage form the exterior. Getting a shovel from the first war and a sledgehammer he struck the weak bricks than began digging. He reached the surface and saw what he already knew. His wives charred remains lie on the living room floor, yet his son was missing. He figures he could be alive after searching the neighborhood. 200 years later and he still is searching, he is 237 years old now, yet he looks like he hasn’t aged a day. Even he does not know why he looks this young. Perhaps when he finds his son, that is a mystery he can solve.


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