Name: Nocturne Suntrotter Species: Unicorn Special Talent: Writing books about his research Facts: Enjoys learning new things, especially in regards to the science of the different types of magic the different pony breeds can preform. Ignores any duties he may have as a prince, he just doesn't care about that kind of stuff. Usually one to keep to himself, he really just buries himself in his research and books and can be like a hermit. In time he does take on his mother's teachings about the magic of friendship and makes his own friends so he can learn his own lessons. Gets along fine with his father but they aren't extremely close mainly because they have very little in common. His gradient horn is a trait passed down from his father's family. Nocturne actually has extremely powerful magic as his mother and grandmother are both alicorns, but he's doesn't boast about it. In the small amount of free time he makes for himself, he likes to compose music though he isn't able to play any instruments. Occupation: Researcher/Writer Positive Traits: Quick learner and thinker, passionate, forgiving Challenging Traits: Forgetful, ungrateful, tactless
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