A few nights ago a saw Silver Quills review of the My little Pny episode "Power Ponies!" and we all know it's a reference to Power Rangers, and that got the wheels in my head spinning and since I have been wanting a Psycho Ranger Costume lately but I hash nu money for it XD. So instead I had this image in my head, I orignally had it to be Psycho Blue but I decided I have not made a Psycho Red picture in a while. So anyway I decided that I should do one of my own Salutes to both "Power Ponies" and "power Rangers" and create a new OC named Lone Wolf and dress him up as the Black Psycho Ranger. So who we have here is his Comerade and Leader Psycho Red. Now for the Psycho Pony History; (like Light of Harmony it is Slightly AU, only slightly) after escaping from her defeat to the Power Ponies the Mane-iac realised she must fight fire with fire and create a new Ranger team to combat the Power Ponies.
But the question is who would she recruit? Everypony in maretropolis knows of her and her exploits and How will she give them power? and how will she make them listen to her? (okay honostly this is an idea I only JUST came up with last night so not everything is going to match up XD) Through the coming months she would have to keep a low profile if this plan were to work, months of planning, testing, and Research. The only name I have for any of them is Lone Wolf who becomes the Black Psycho Pony. Mane-iac may come up with a mind control spell in a disguis of some sort. I'll think of something everypony Don't worry XD. Anywho I am thinking of using this "Psycho Pony" thing for every new "Power POnies" episode….
so tell me what you think below and if you have anything you would like to see me correct in fututre pics like this and Share (Please) and Fave Thanks for Looking