
Originally posted on: January 16, 2020, 5:49 AM UTC
> Future talk [AU]
> Drew my next gen AU boys SolarRay and Prince Ombre in a scene story below
> It’s a crucial day for the young Prince SolarRay, who hasn't been right for the past few days. He is just fidgeting and passing restlessly but denies anything is wrong or stomps off in a bit of a hissy fit when asked. Nopony knows what’s up with him, but clearly something is. Finally, he can’t take it anymore and decides to visit his half brother who is visiting from a kingdom made of pure crystals, Prince Ombre. After a pause at the two arched doors to the room Prince Ombré is staying in, SolarRay eventually knocks softly on the left door and waits as patiently as he can. Inside, he can hear the scuttling of what sounds like pages and pencils falling to the ground, before the door creaks open and Prince Ombre peeks out. His head hangs low with his ears drooped back but they prick up when he see's it's SolarRay and his head shoots up to reveal a little smile.
> Ombre: "Well if it isn't the heir to the throne, King SolarRay!"
> SolarRay gives a tut, rolls his eyes and sighs deeply. He is clearly not amused.
> SolarRay: "…Well that's why I’m here half brother of mine. I … need some reassurance and a good talk with you, if i may enter, Ombre…?"
> Ombre moves out the way without hesitation and opens the door to let SolarRay in. SolarRay, with his head slightly on the low side walks slowly in through the door and looks at his surroundings. It is clear that Ombre has been busy with his studies again. He always thinks he gets his personality and obsession with books from Aunt Twilight Sparkle. Scrunched up pieces paper lie near his little working desk and a few pencils are scattered on the floor.
> SolarRay: "I see you’re hard at work again Ombre like always."
> Ombre: "You know me, Ray, I do love my studying and keeping up with paperwork."
> SolarRay: "You don't say…!" SolarRay lifts an eyebrow up at his half brother and then quickly changes expression. He clears his throat, “Anyway, I have a reason for being here in your presence. You see… I think I just need some other pony’s advice and you’re the best pony I know, who has a great mind for helping in matters of seriousness, as well as being an excellent listener,"
> SolarRay gives a deep breath in and exhales softly and slowly "Okay, so a lot of things have been on my mind recently and it's been driving me well… insane i guess!"
> Ombre slightly interrupts SolarRay "Mother Celestia has been telling me how worried she has been for you and safe to say i i don't blame her, sorry Ray carry on"
> SolarRay gives Ombre a slight concerned look and then perceives to his words.
> SolarRay: "Right. Well, funny story. I haven't told anypony about this so please, Ombre, keep this private. I don't want anypony knowing what has been said here. I don’t want anypony worrying or bothering me with it all, it's just something I don't need on my plate right now."
> Ombre: "You have my word, Ray. As Aunt PinkiePie wisely says; ‘Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my …’”
> SolarRay: "ALRIGHT! Okay, all I needed was a ‘yes’, Ombre, but I guess a Pinkie Promise is better, knowing you won’t be telling anypony."
> Next scene will provide with next story line
> If you guys like these please let me know, i enjoyed doing this and was super fun
> Characters in story:
> Prince SolarRay —
> [Prince SolarRay Newest OC! (AU universe) by BeamyButt](
> (Moonbeam x Celestia's child)
> Prince Ombre —
> [Prince Ombre art by BeamyButt by BeamyButt](
> (Sombra x Celestia)
> Art by me
> effects blurr and background effect by [JustJolly]( thanks for the help
> also thanks to [AmethystShade]( helping me with english! XD lol
> Background by Hasbro found on Kissclipart


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