Originally posted on: May 22, 2019, 8:00 AM UTC
> MLP[NextGen] I need to defeat you!Part 10.
> **Characters used:
> [MLP[NextGen]Enigma by DaydreamGlimmerYT](https://www.deviantart.com/daydreamglimmeryt/art/MLP-NextGen-Enigma-797245794)
> [MLP[Headcanon] Fizzlepop Berrytwist and Luna by DaydreamGlimmerYT](https://www.deviantart.com/daydreamglimmeryt/art/MLP-Headcanon-Fizzlepop-Berrytwist-and-Luna-795859457)
> Bases:
> [Mlp Base: horse butts](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/759297326) by [Quartziie](https://www.deviantart.com/quartziie)
> [Perfect Body Dream — Base](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/746304292) by [S-oujiiSan](https://www.deviantart.com/s-oujiisan)
> [MLP Base 221](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/785401540)
> [MLP Base 249](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/790187992) by [ElementBases](https://www.deviantart.com/elementbases)
> Background:
> [MLP[Background] In the cave of harmony](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/797242057) by me**
> Enigma came to the cave of Harmony To defeate the New Tree of Harmony
> **Luna-**Stop this, Pandora! It's wrong way!
> **Enigma-**Urgh!My name is Enigma!Dear Luna, just join me!You just like me!Lonely, scary…
> **Luna-**I am not like you!I forget my dark past!
> **Enigma**Oh, come on, dear, little Luna!Your sister leave you, and now you here "the knight of harmony",sitting here alone!
> **Luna**No!It's very responsible work!To save Elements from evil creatures like you!
> **Enigma-**Oh, I am not bad, I just want to help you!Join me, Luna!
> **Luna-**No!Even if I am not Princess anymore, I can use my magic!
> **Enigma-**Stupid Luna, there is your scare Nightmares!
> Enigma create the Nightmare creatures, and they subjugate Luna
> **Luna**NOOO!!!
> **Enigma-**What do you say, my dear?
> **Luna-**Your Highness…
> **Enigma-**Already better…I'll deal with Elements later!Now, guard them!
> **Nightmare creatures and Luna-**Will be done…
> Video:
> [youtu.be/ogysd-aqASg](https://youtu.be/ogysd-aqASg)
> MLP[NextGen] I need to defeat you!Part 10.
> **Characters used:
> [MLP[NextGen]Enigma by DaydreamGlimmerYT](https://www.deviantart.com/daydreamglimmeryt/art/MLP-NextGen-Enigma-797245794)
> [MLP[Headcanon] Fizzlepop Berrytwist and Luna by DaydreamGlimmerYT](https://www.deviantart.com/daydreamglimmeryt/art/MLP-Headcanon-Fizzlepop-Berrytwist-and-Luna-795859457)
> Bases:
> [Mlp Base: horse butts](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/759297326) by [Quartziie](https://www.deviantart.com/quartziie)
> [Perfect Body Dream — Base](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/746304292) by [S-oujiiSan](https://www.deviantart.com/s-oujiisan)
> [MLP Base 221](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/785401540)
> [MLP Base 249](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/790187992) by [ElementBases](https://www.deviantart.com/elementbases)
> Background:
> [MLP[Background] In the cave of harmony](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/797242057) by me**
> Enigma came to the cave of Harmony To defeate the New Tree of Harmony
> **Luna-**Stop this, Pandora! It's wrong way!
> **Enigma-**Urgh!My name is Enigma!Dear Luna, just join me!You just like me!Lonely, scary…
> **Luna-**I am not like you!I forget my dark past!
> **Enigma
> **Luna
> **Enigma-**Oh, I am not bad, I just want to help you!Join me, Luna!
> **Luna-**No!Even if I am not Princess anymore, I can use my magic!
> **Enigma-**Stupid Luna, there is your scare Nightmares!
> Enigma create the Nightmare creatures, and they subjugate Luna
> **Luna**NOOO!!!
> **Enigma-**What do you say, my dear?
> **Luna-**Your Highness…
> **Enigma-**Already better…I'll deal with Elements later!Now, guard them!
> **Nightmare creatures and Luna-**Will be done…
> Video:
> [youtu.be/ogysd-aqASg](https://youtu.be/ogysd-aqASg)
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