> Commission| Almanacpony
> Story by [AlmanacPony](https://almanacpony.deviantart.com/)
> "The spittle on my cheek was giving me a squeamish feeling; seriously, did assholes really have to spit? The urge to reach up and wipe it away was gnawing at me in an unpleasant way, the kind of unpleasant feeling similar to an itch you couldn’t scratch. It was annoying, and distracting…but strangely, much more appealing to pay attention to rather than the ramblings of the idiot, but soon-to-be-dead idiot, of a stallion in front of me. As my thoughts turned to him I glanced up, the motley grey and brown hide of a pony suffering from a bad skin condition greeted me, the foul breath of halitosis was coupled by teeth that were more ‘black and not there’ than they were ‘white’, and those blue eyes had a yellowish tinge that was NOT healthy. If I was a doctor I’d probably say it was Scurvy, but hey, not surprising, fruits rich in vitamin C weren’t really common around here. Though, there was this fantastic place up-
> Whack!
> Ouch. My muzzle lashed to the side and the coppery taste in my mouth told me I’d bitten my cheek a little. That kinda hurt. “Are you payin’ attention to me, ya stupid motherfucker!” He yelled, in an accent that spoke less of what region he was from, and more about how much brain damage he probably had.
> “Not really. Can I wipe my face, please?” I asked as I wriggled my jaw side to side to make sure nothing was broken. The stallion in front of me didn’t look too happy at my calm demeanour. I suppose he had expected a different reaction considering the circumstances. I was held by three other ponies, a unicorn and two earth ponies, with my fore hooves tucked behind my back, hence the inability to wipe my cheek. Oh, and he had a gun to my head, well, one of his lackeys did, but as this idiot was apparently ‘giving the orders’ (Celestia knows why), I considered it him in control of the trigger, so yes, HE had the gun to my head, rather than the violet maned unicorn beside me who kept the pistol locked in a pinkish glow against my temple. In such a situation, most other ponies would be begging for their lives, so his confusion as to why I wasn’t was understandable."
> *….
> *
> Continue: [www.fimfiction.net/story/28969…](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/289691/3/fallout-equestria-letters-to-celestia/chapter-one—-dear-princess-celestia-life-sucks)
> —-
> Read the full-story at:
> DeviantArt: [almanacpony.deviantart.com/gal…](https://almanacpony.deviantart.com/gallery/59705682/Letters-to-Celestia)
> FiMFiction: [www.fimfiction.net/story/28969…](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/289691/fallout-equestria-letters-to-celestia)
> —-
> Thank you for commissioning me v!
> Art © Me
> Tome Tale, © Almanacpony
> Only Almanacpony may use this and has been given written permission.
> Commission Prices
> [Commission Prices|NEW NEW| Status: OPEN](https://romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/journal/Commission-Prices-NEW-NEW-Status-OPEN-662312134)
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> [Commissions :Information:](https://romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/journal/Commissions-Information-468362245)