
Originally posted on: March 23, 2018, 3:49 PM UTC
> Delta Flare — Concept Design — Update
> [Link to the old one !](**
> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
> Name :** Delta Flare
> Nicknames : Captain Delta / Dr.Flare / Del / Flare
> Place of birth : Crystal Empire
> Place of residence : Canterlot
> Parents : Starbust / Flash Sentry
> Facts and Bio : Del for a unicorn got a lot of strenght and his capable to do the unbelievable when it comes to protect his soldiers. He was a doctor years ago but Flash his father wanted him to be a guard since he was no longer able to be one because of an accident with a dragon. Del accepted to do the formation and got noticed by Shining Armor quickly within a month, he's now the captain of the royal guard in canterlot, Shining Armor is also a captain but in the Crystal Empire.
> Delta still want to this day to retake his job of Doctor but tries to do his best for his father.
> Starbust admire his son for the sacrifice he's done for the happiness of his husband.
> Flash and Starbust are not very close to Del since he keep rejecting them, still, they're trying to keep communication with him.
> Delta got a crush on Flurry Heart since childhood but they never had the chance to get closer or go on a date.
> Twilight Sparkle was trying to be a mentor/teatcher for him when he was a colt but he learned magic so fast that she wasn't able to be helpful to him. She kinda felt useless but Celestia's always here to cheer her up ~
> ———————————————————
> Note if you noticed that there's no cutiemark :
> I'll update this version later with the new cutiemark the old one wasn't really what I wanted, so yeah- later !
> Thank you all so much for the support even tho I'm not the most active ;; <3


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