Born to Silly


DISCORD! i'm howlin at the moon

One of the characters with the most squandered potential in my humble opinion. He's set up as this infinitely powerful god, but most of the time he's portrayed as basically Pinkie Pie with more powers. Most of his appearances are boring at best and extremely annoying at worst, but there are a few glimmers of something interesting here and there…
For one, I love his introduction episode. I think the scene where he corrupts the mane six is genuinely unsettling. The show reveals he could have just snapped and corrupted them, but instead he plays this little game to torment and break their spirits, playing on their own insecurities and fears.
My other favorite piece of canon Discord lore/characterization is the scene where Pinkie Pie gets his powers from the show's last season. Seeing her and Cozy Glow trying to handle his chaos magic was interesting and made me think wow, Discord probably has a lot of internal conflict going on.
BUT…other than that, I'd like to reimagine his character a bit in my nextgen verse. Here's a few notes..
Discord draws his magical power from a black hole, the black hole at the center of the Horsehead Galaxy. It's the celestial body which the sun Celestia draws her magical power from orbits, and the planet Equestria is part of orbits that sun. Then Luna gets her power from the moon orbiting the planet.
Because Discord draws his power from such a dense object he experiences some time distortion, meaning time doesn't pass consistently for him and it often doesn't sync up with how those around him experience the passage of time. Sometimes an hour might seem like an hour, or two minutes, or three years. This means he'll sometimes disappear and reappear days later, shocked and annoyed at how little has changed since he left. Other times he'll leave for a decade or more, but to him only days or even hours have passed. This makes it nearly impossible for him to have any real lasting relationships.
I based his eyes on the first black hole photo
Oh I also recorded myself drawing this, I'm probably gonna use it (as well as the footage from my Cozy Glow piece) as background footage for….a commentary track of sort? It'll be talking about tropes or story process..stuff. I'll figure it out but it's basically just a way for me to get my feet wet with making youtube videos, which i'd love to do more of in the future. Could be a good way for me to have a steady income if I can get it to take off! We'll see. Lots to come… I'll link the video here once I do it !


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