
Higher resolution version of >>81546

> I'm constantly haunted by it.
> I can't contain myself.
> There a different side of me that always gets the best of me.
> It's like an endless nightmare,
> And I'm the victim.
> \\\\
> HUZZAH. THE FUN HAS BEEN DOUBLED. ![:iconlunahuzzahplz:](
> I was inspired to do this "Two Sides" series by [Blue-Ten]('s own [ATLA Two Sides series](
> I'm not so sure about the word choice, but meh, I love how this one turned out If anyone has any suggestions as to what else I could write, it would be much appreciated
> Art © [TehJadeh](
> MLP:FiM, Princess Luna, Nightmare Moon © Hasbro, ![:iconfyre-flye:]([fyre-flye](
> Two Sides:
> [Applejack](
> [Pinkie Pie](
> [Twilight Sparkle](
> [Fluttershy](
> [Rarity](
> [Rainbow Dash](
> [Derpy Hooves](
> [Spike](
> [Vinyl Scratch](
> [Princess Celestia](
> [Discord](
> [Zecora](


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