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Punished McGee

A fallen legend
Thank you for sharing. See, the amazing thing about fetishes is that they help to paint a complete picture of person's true identity. A fetish is a person's natural defect - a mental block that prevents him/her from fulfiling their reproductive duties. A fetish cannot be faked or gotten rid of. In other words, if something inferior to an opposite sex turns you on - you are stuck with it. Probably forever.

Personally, I'm stuck with a theme of undergoing change. Change can be either physical (transformation), or mental (hypnosis and mind control). Many people seem to enjoy transgender transformations, in which male becomes a female, but it's not my thing. To me transformation has more to do with a humiliation aspect (like turning into an animal) rather than giving someone an advantage. Anthro transformations are not effective either, much like transformations that happen in an instant. The more detailed the process - the better.

Believe it or not, my interest in transformation speaks volumes about my personality. I could sit here hours pouring my soul out and nothing of it would come close to the bit of information you now have.

I don't need a therapist to admit this is bad - to desire someone being seen changing shape into something less of a human. This can be a building factor in my socially inept personality that lacks a feeling of dominance and self worth, to the point of lashing it all out on dehumanizing others, seeing them becoming less of themselves for my own amusement.

See, fetishes are crucial in understanding what drives people to such extraordinary things - like vore, ABDL, scat, or inflation, dating women instead of ponies. My opinion is that humiliation plays a major part in that, though I can be wrong.
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Edited by Punished McGee