> MLP Adopt| Dragons and Mermaids|CLOSED|WINNER !!
> Every adopt is paid, so it's time to reveal the winner of the coloured sketch:
> ….
> Congratulations!
> [LadyPipen](https://www.deviantart.com/ladypipen)
> ❤️
> —-
> Please Bid in the comments below <3
> I do** NOT** take points.
> **RULES:
> **-Paypal only unless you can use iDEAL
> -Bid in a chain
> -Don't hide/edit comments (UNLESS YOU TELL ME FIRST)
> -Do not resell for higher than the price you bought it for
> -You must be able to pay within 48 hours / 2 days, preferably asap
> -Bidding ends after about 48 hours after the first bid.
> — You may change the design in any way you like, feel free to remove or add anything you like, change species, build, sex, anything, AFTER you bought the design.
> -You don't have to credit me for the design each time you use the character, but please do so in the reference sheet.
> -You are allowed to re-upload this image of the design you bought, but please credit me.
> Separate (Higher Quality) images of the adopts bought will be sent to the buyers 🙂
> **Adoptions:
> Dragons **
> 1.CLOSED ** (not paid yet)**
> 2.CLOSED ** (PAID)**
> 3. CLOSED ** (PAID)**
> 4.CLOSED ** (PAID)
> ***
> Mermaid/Seapony*
> 6. OPEN*
> 8.*CLOSED ** (PAID)***
> **
> *Anyone who buys an adopt from this batch has a chance on winning a (free) full-body coloured sketch of their OC from me <3 The winner will be chosen after all adopts have been claimed and paid. *
> Example of coloured-sketches:
> [Sketch For Rosexknight by RoyvdHel-Art](https://sta.sh/012p6xgdne6z)
> *
> [sketch for M0N5T3R5 by RoyvdHel-Art](https://sta.sh/021dc7ge7o5x)