> Novelty Brightlight Ref
> Name: Novelty Brightlight
> Nicknames: Novelty, Nova, Miss Lazybones (mother), Supernova (Stas)
> Species: Unicorn **
> **
> **Gender: **Female
> Age: 20
> Parents:** **Twilight Sparkle (mother), Flash Sentry (father)
> Sibling(s): [Stellar Galaxy](https://rainbow-10.deviantart.com/art/Stellar-Galaxy-Bio-705359158) (sister), [Lightning Flash](https://roichell.deviantart.com/art/Lightning-flash-708124606) (sister), [Skyla ](https://skystar20.deviantart.com/art/Skyla-709123674)(sister), Mi Amore Cadenza (aunt), Shining Armor (uncle), Flurry Heart (cousin), Night Light (grandfather), Twilight Velvet (grandmother)
> Place of creation Canterlote
> **Place of Residence: **Ponyville
> Talent/Abilities/Cutie Mark: TBA
> **Character: **Lazy, flirty, playful, jealous, socially awkward
> Fun Facts:
> ⚫ She is the smallest in the family
> ⚫ She loves read comics
> ⚫ She dates with Stas
> ⚫ She hates dirt
> ⚫ She loves sing the lullaby for her sisters
> [Cutie Mark](https://sta.sh/01soe7xudyrj)