Born to Silly


> so i started these … a year ago in 2 days… well shit
> i had trouble with a bunch of them and couldnt figure out how to finish them off. but they're finally finishes
> they're based mostly on war movies i enjoy, but a pair are just concepts. i couldnt fit into my military ponies batch.
> please, if you have not seen these movies and like the pony, please go watch it before you commit to buy. all but The Postman and The Boy In The Striped Pajamas are based on true stories
> IMPORTANT: i know i made a pair of ponies from a touchy subject, the american civil war. dont mistake my choice of adopts as me taking sides and such. dont be an idiot haha
> #1 :iconrazorfin-adopts: The Post man Book: 1985 — Film: 1997
> im keeping this guy, im sorry haha.
> he's based on the unnamed protagonist of the book/film The Postman. its a post apocalyptic story from the 80s about a man that takes a postman uniform and the letters and uses them as an excuse to get into guarded towns… he quickly starts believing his own lies.
> #2 :iconhasht4g: North Korean Solder // 71 Into The Fire 2010 (Korean spoken)
> #3 :iconlillithcrescent: Union Solder // American Civil War (not a film haha)
> #4 :iconflyinggypsy123: P.O.W. Prisoner Of War // To End All Wars 2001
> #5 :iconedwardsco: Missionary // The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness 1958
> yes this film is old but it is again based on a true story. it is a very inspirational story of of hope against the odds and following your dreams. yes it has religious tones to it, but they're minimal and its more about helping people than spreading the word of god, ect
> #6 :iconshatteredbeginnings: South Korean Student Soldier // 71 Into The Fire 2010 (Korean spoken)
> #7 :iconlillithcrescent: Confederate Soldier // American Civil War (not a film haha)
> #8 :iconlillithcrescent: Spy // Charlotte Gray Book: 1999 — Film: 2001
> #9 :iconopen-plz: P.O.W. // The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Book: 2006 — Film: 2008
> SB: 300/$3
> AB: 1200/$12
> HB: —-
> #10 :iconlillithcrescent: The Girl In The Red Dress // Schindler's List 1993


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