
Originally posted on: October 18, 2016, 10:41 PM UTC
> Auction Adopts Sheet 1 (Open)
> these are crack-ship auction adopts (there will be more)
> Top: [Spikeanator](
> PinkiePie/CrankyDoodle
> SB: 100Points (Starting bid)
> MI: 20Points (Minimum increase)
> AB: 500Points (Auto buy)
> Bottom:
> BlossomForth/ThunderLane
> SB: 100Points
> MI: 20Points
> AB:500Points
> Rules:
> * respond to the person above you (so its easy to keep tract of)
> * once purchase please don't resell without my permission 😁
> * when purchased they do not have to stay their same ship
> * please keep the design the same (small changes are fine)
> * have fun!!
> Art by me


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