
“Spark Surge”

Age: late 30s

Family: Kylo & Angel Wings (parents) Kashta (sister) Barbed Sparks (twin-sister) Celeste (adopted daughter) Mocha Steam (daughter)

Occupation: Group Leader & Assassin

Sexuality: Pansexual

Cutie Mark: A dripping satan star

Talent: ??


Surge was born to a small farm-family out in Appleloosa. Born to a unicorn father and bat-pony mother alongside his older sister and twin sister. Unfortunately their mother passed during his birth and they were left in their father’s care.

At the age of 17 he ran away from home, leaving everything behind and picking up in the assassination business, he was soon on the run. In his mid 30s he met a 16 year old Celeste where he soon adopted her and became her father. Later on meeting Emery and Gallantry, the young couple becoming his closest friends (and biggest crushes).

He’s very snarky and outspoken. Usually insulting other ponies and being an overall asshole. But deep down he does care.


For any of my older followers you’d remember my first ever characters on here! I’m redesigning a few of the HelluvaVerse characters and bringing them back :]


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