
(Request from another friend, he was asking for gentle Nightmare Moon in style of my earlier gentle Chrysalis story, and I was happy to do that)

The city was thrown into panic when Nightmare Moon's giant, dark form appeared above it. People pointed at her as she lazily flapped her enormous wing and settled down between the skyscrapers, with even the tallest building in the city being shorter than the giant dark alicorn.

People were ready to ran away and call for the military when Nightmare Moon's voice stopped them all in their track. "Oh, I hope I didn't scare you, little ones." She spoke with soft and almost shy voice, while towering over the ant size people, looking at them from above. "I… I hope I don't bother you… but I couldn't just not to visit you." She gave them a shy smile, and moved her hoof, carefully moving her hoof from her shoe, leaving the apartment building size shoe in the middle of the street. She stepped away from each of her shoes, stepping carefully next to a skyscraper.

She turned her head a little, peeking inside one of the skyscrapers. "Aw, aren't you all so cute and small…" She giggled softly, smirked playfully. "You don't have nothing to fear from me, little ones." She said and her horn light up in her magic and she teleported a few humans from the skyscraper to her upturned hoof.

They gasped and fell down as the bottom of her hoof was covered with soft fur, and combined with wind that was blowing at that altitude made it impossible for them to remain standing.

She chuckled a bit and brought her hoof close to her muzzle and after giving them another bashful assurance that she wouldn't hurt them, she gently pressed her soft, dark muzzle on them, pinning them down with it, and squeezing them between her muzzle and bottom of her hoof.

She continued to chuckle when she heard their grunts and felt their tiny struggles. "Aw, aren't you adorable like that, so small and weak… But don't worry, my little ones, I will take good care of you, you are safe on my hooves." She said softly and pulled back a little, looking at the little group she had on her hoof.

"N-now, if it is not too much trouble, c-could you rub my hooves a little?" She asked softly, red spreading on her cheeks.

She watched them and let out a little surprised sigh when the human on her hoof obediently started to massage and rub the bottom of her hoof. "C-carefully, I… I am a little sensitive there…" She said dreamily, barely even believing how good their massage felt.

"Uh, I could really keep you all…" She sighed again, closing her eyes for a moment as she enjoyed their massages, this was going to be a fun night, she smirked.


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