Charming affection got her cutie mark on hearts and hooves day, Firefly was too nervous to give her hearts and hooves day gift to Apple Patch that Charming affection stepped in and managed to leave the gift on the colt's desk. Seeing how happy her sister was and how happy Apple Patch was to receive the gift it made Charming Affection realise that she liked spreading that joy, she gained her cutie mark three love hearts in a circle. Princess Cadence took notice of the new Pegasus spreading love it reminded her of being a filly. Cadence offered Charming a place in the crystal castle but she turned in down and choose to remain in Ponyville.
As a teenager, she and Princess Twilight organised a heart and hooves day celebration. The celebration did so well that they did one every year after and it was always hosted by Charming Affection.