> Samara Spark Reference
> Name: Samara Spark Shy
> Age: Early 20's
> Birthplace: Ponyville (Hospital)
> Parents: Fluttershy and Rolling Thunder
> Siblings: Sunflower Blossom
> Species: Pegasus
> Occupation: Mechanic, Welder and Cannon Technician
> Pronouns: She/Her
> Summary:
> Samara is a modern day Rosie Riveter, sticking it to the stallions in her career path who told her she couldn't match up to them. She's a powerhouse of a pony and she makes her mothers proud! She has a bit of a sibling rivalry with her sister Sunflower, which her mothers dislike quiet a bit. Samara is a confident woman with a knack for starting fights with her coworkers and sister, but never her grandparents or parents. She loves her family and loves doing what she can for them!