> .:Shipping Adoptables CLOSED (00/03):.
> I only accept points or paypal :3
> Prices:
> 1: [Twilight Sparkle (yes) plz](https://www.deviantart.com/luckreza8/art/Twilight-Sparkle-yes-plz-525884141)x [Starlight Glimmer Blush Icon](https://www.deviantart.com/sapphirefeatherdust/art/Starlight-Glimmer-Blush-Icon-749257475)
> $1/100Points
> 2: [Princess Cadance (Smile Widely)](https://www.deviantart.com/hendro107/art/Princess-Cadance-Smile-Widely-660338206)x[King Thorax (Stretching and Relaxing)](https://www.deviantart.com/hendro107/art/King-Thorax-Stretching-and-Relaxing-699885654)
> $1/100Points
> 3:[Rainbow Dash (idea evil) plz](https://www.deviantart.com/luckreza8/art/Rainbow-Dash-idea-evil-plz-529201372)x [MLPTM — Tempest emote 4](https://www.deviantart.com/yazgaltoonfan/art/MLPTM-Tempest-emote-4-760781704)
> $1/100Points
> Owner of all of them: [MissPrincessSapphire](https://www.deviantart.com/missprincesssapphire)
> Rules
> -you are free to resell or trade them at the price you got them for, unless you got art of them! it would be nice to know if you do sell them!
> -holds are fine, but only if you are 100% sure of the purchase. No backing out please.
> -backing out, hiding comments and ignoring notes about purchase will result into being blocked.
> -I do not allow people to copy/steal/trace my adoptables or artwork.(without my permission)
> -No refunds.
> -Hold max 3 days.
> -you may resell, trade, but not more than what you paid for.
> -let me always know who the owner is.
> base by: LullabyPrince
> MLP Belongs to Hasbro©