Born to Silly


Name: Prince Northern Light

Nicknames: Little Star, Ghostie

Age: 21

Parents: Princess Luna and an Unknown Suitor

Build: Slightly shorter than the average stallion

CM/Special Talent: 6 stars on a constellation map, forming the shape of a star themselves. Possibly symbolizes the connections he forms with his loved ones.

Gender: cis guy

Species: Pony/Bat Pony hybrid

The only child of Princess Luna. Secretive, shy, and solitary, Northern Light is the 3rd eldest Royal child, behind his cousins Flurry Heart and Epiphany. His parentage is not immediately obvious to most people, who often mistake him for an odd looking pegasus. His appearance was certainly a surprise to his family, even Luna, who wasn't expecting her son to be born as pale as he is. Regardless, Northern was doted on by his mother, Auntie Tia, and Uncle Discord growing up.

His pale complexion makes it difficult for him to spend much time outside during the day, doubly if its a particularly bright day. The lack of pigment in his coat, mane, and eyes means the sun's harmful rays affect him faster than the average pony. Thankfully, like his mum, Northern is a night owl, and prefers to stay up all hours of the night.

Northy is pretty close with his cousins, mainly Epiphany and Fairy Tail, since they both still live in Canterlot. He manages to keep Epiphany grounded whenever the draconeqqus is anxious, and with Fairy Tail he makes a great strategizer when it comes to making mischief. Not that he gets involved in the actual mischief, though. He just wants to see what happens when the other horseshoe drops.

His mother was quite protective of him for a good chunk of his childhood, and Luna still is to this day. Though as he's grown, she's held herself back more and more from smothering him. Light still loves his mum very much, even if he finds her a bit embarassing.

He's quite close with his Auntie Tia, often going to her for adivce if he can't bring himself to get it from his mother. Celestia is happy to share whatever wisdom she can with her nephew.

Uncle Discord, however, is a different beast all together. North isn't one for getting into trouble or what have u, so despite his most relentless Uncle-style teasing, Discord can't get the boy to stop being a stick-in-the-mud. They have a decent relationship, Northern can't quite connect with him the way he can with his cousins or Auntie.


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