> Next Gen Ship Adopts Closed
> Here is the first Wave of Khimi's Personal Next Gen Ship Adopts~
> Top Left: Owned by [ArcadianPhoenix](https://arcadianphoenix.deviantart.com/)
> Name: Rain Storm
> Parents: Rainbow Dash and Soarin
> "A gentle pegasus who is by all means a Daddy's girl and show's no interest in sports, much to the Chagrin of her mother. Secretly practices to one day achieve her mother's Sonic Rainboom."
> Top Right: Owned by [3vilpyro](https://3vilpyro.deviantart.com/)
> Name: Concerto
> Parents: Rarity and Fancy Pants
> "This unicorn constantly has his hoof on the latest trends. He has to considering his newest Opera is the talk of Canterlot."
> Bottom: Owned by [UxieKnight](https://uxieknight.deviantart.com/)
> Name: Ashtanga
> Parents: Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps
> "Genetics be damned, this Pony is one rough and tumble competitor trained since day one by her Aunts Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Mummyshy and Daddyceps are always cheering her on from the crowd."
> Rules:
> — Bid Only What you can afford
> — No Bid Withtracting/Hiding comments
> — I cannot Refund
> — Once Adopt is won you may change the design
> — Payment must be received within 48 hours or next highest bidder will be contacted.
> - If you wish to trade or sell them at a later date you must ask me first and give me a chance to buy them back. By Bidding you are agreeing to this rule!
> **Starting Bid: $5
> Minimum Bid Increase: $1
> Auction Ends 48 Hours after last bid or 1/20/16
> Base Used:
> [khimi-chan.deviantart.com/art/…](https://khimi-chan.deviantart.com/art/P2U-Smol-Horse-Base-584453530)
> **