Fluttershy: Wife to Applejack and runner of Ponyville's own Animal Sanctuary. Often busy taking care of her many animal friends, Fluttershy often switches between spending time at her house and Sweet Apple Acres, depending on how heavy her workload is. Took her a while to adjust to being in such a large family at first, but now loves her large number of Apple in-laws.
Applejack Apple: Wife to Fluttershy and co-runner of Sweet Apple Acres alongside her brother, Big Mac. AJ is always making sure the farm runs smoothly, whether its Cider, Harvest, or Zap Apple Season. While the farm takes a lot of time and energy from her, AJ always puts time aside to spend with her family. Sweet Apple Acres is home to her, Big Mac, and Applebloom's families, making the main house crowded but cozy. Applebloom and AJ did take the time to add some extentions to the house, thankfully. Loves both of her daughters but ends up spending more bonding time with Honeygold due to their similar interests.
Honeygold Apple: The youngest of this particular part of the Apple Family, and the second-born. Honey is a budding botanist, using her Earth-pony magics and farmer knowledge to take good care of Sweet Apple Acres and her own garden. Learned sometime after gaining her cutie mark that she can 'talk' to plants, in a similar fashion to Fluttershy's abilities. Often covers for her older sister by doing her chores as well, but gets scolded by Mama AJ when she gets caught.