
Starjax! I love him, it was fun to give him a teeny makeover UwU


Name — Prince Starjax Sparkle

Age — 18

Gender — cis male, he/him

Sexuality — bisexual

Parents — Princess Twilight Sparkle, Prince Sunburst

Siblings — Summer Sunrise (younger sister), Aztec (adoptive brother)

Type — Unicorn


Starjax likes to keep to himself and is not very good at pony interaction,due to spending most of his free time studying to become a powerful unicorn. Most ponies would say he’s weird; although he’d probably take that as a compliment. Most of the time he’s very irritable and grumpy, until he’s had his coffee.

Though he’s the first child of Twilight Sparkle, he’s not as praised as his younger sister for not being an Alicorn. He doesn’t take is greed out on her though.

Starjax claims he’s spoken to the evil king Sombra when he was younger, and of course, no one belives him. This all changes at a dramatic event that happens in his late teenage years.

Cutie mark/Special Talent

Starjax’s cutie mark is a moon with magical blue aura. This represents his magical abilities to raise the moon like the great Queen Celestia could. His powers are very vague, but when he’s focused the can be so powerful.


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