> Akemi- Qilin Queen
> Akemi is a character that I've been working on for about 4 years 😅 …..and ended up making a whole head canon from her :happybounce:
> here's her mate: [fav.me/dbdfmo1](http://fav.me/dbdfmo1)
> Qilins or Kirins are mystical beast from asian culture specifically Chinese. I'm calling them Qilins instead of Kirins. This is my take on them, this here is an example of a female. I'll post my take on a male soon. Its basically like peacocks females are duller, less color.
> If you ave questions, please ask Wink/Razz and let me know if adopts of my take on Qilins sounds interesting to youI am a dummy!
> Akemi Belongs to me [Ask-Y](https://ask-y.deviantart.com/)
> (If you'd like to use my take on Qilins in your verse or make an Oc please link me! I'd love to see ❤️)