Born to Silly


I'm behind a day but I'll try to catch up this weekend!

Anyway, Jewelia has an interesting secret— one time, she messed up an experiment and accidentally gave herself changeling magic. Now, she randomly swaps forms for about an hour every few days.

An exerpt from Jewlia's notes:
Below is a list of analyses about my five newly-acquired alternate forms.
Being able to fly would be nice if I had more time to figure it out. Feathers are surprisingly itchy if you've never had them before. I do like having claws. 7/10.
I'm no stranger to flopping around on two legs, so this one doesn't bother me too much. It's very efficient in water. 5/10.
This form makes it quite difficult to walk. Once again, I like the claws and the wings. The spikes and horns make it hard to get comfortable when sitting or lying down. 6/10.
This is downright embarrassing. I don't like being a tiny helpless fuzzball. 2/10.
Update: Selene thinks it's cute. 5/10.
This form, the one I was originally trying to achieve, is exactly what I wanted. I have my horn so I can still use magic, I'm the size of a normal pony, and I have four legs! 10/10.

I've been wanting to draw Jewelia's alternate forms for a while, so I'm glad I finally had a reason to! Also, Selene will eventually become Jewelia's boyfriend.


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