> Custom: Discord NextGens
> 2 of the 6 custom designs [ashyfur524](https://ashyfur524.deviantart.com/) purchased from me! [Porylove Emote](https://cortoony.deviantart.com/art/Porylove-Emote-736448739)
> 1.) A Discord x Stygian The Pony of Shadows, stallion- So his designed was more based off Discord and Stygian with some shadow wisps. (I really, really, really like him!!! <3)
> 2.) A Discord x Tirek, mare (I’d like her to look as creepy as possible)- I ended up having to draw a full body for her to design her creepy ( lol its just how i work lol XD) . She has a snake body with 4 arms (2 bird, 2 Tirek), 4 eyes, she has a pair of wings, and plus her moth splits open.
> [-F2U- Snake Eyes](https://rarijacks.deviantart.com/art/F2U-Snake-Eyes-715168207)
> [-F2U- Snake Eyes](https://rarijacks.deviantart.com/art/F2U-Snake-Eyes-715168207)
> I hope you Enjoy these 2!!
> Characters belong to: [ashyfur524](https://ashyfur524.deviantart.com/)
> Designs/Art by: [Ask-Y](https://ask-y.deviantart.com/) (me)
> Digital work by: [PitterPaint](https://pitterpaint.deviantart.com/) (thanks for your help sis! <3)
> (if you don't end up using any of my designs, please return them and not sell)