
I know! I know! I offed another character. I don't know why, but it's just an effective story element in my opinion. It's interesting to see a character deal with the loss of a loved one and how they deal with the grief afterwards. I want to emphasize once again that just because I kill a character, that doesn't mean that I hate that them. I just like seeing interesting story elements or arcs applied to certain characters. For example, Discord reappearing in the world of G5, Twilight turning evil, or the subject of this drawing: Ocellus becoming the new changeling queen. Now it goes without saying that I went very avant-garde with the portrayal of Thorax's "Passing". In fact, I've come up with a few other interesting concepts for the changelings as apart of a sort of headcanon, but we will explore those another day. This is an idea that I had for how a changeling passes on. Basically, when a changeling reaches the end of their life, they go through a forced transformation so to speak where they become a plant. Maybe one will transform into a tree, another might transform into a flower or a patch of grass. In a way, they never truly leave, but become apart of the surrounding landscape; Their spirits living on through the plants that they've transformed into. In Thorax's case, he transforms into a flurry of white flower blossoms. That's it really.

Like I said, I have a lot of ideas for the changelings. I find them to be one of the more interesting creatures of the series.


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