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Poor Unfortunate Equestria Girls, Pt. 5
(English translation here done by TheOneAJ, see the origin Dutch and English version on DA)
Sunset Shimmer: The little Mermaid?
Applejack: Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that a children’s movie?
Twilight: Book too, but yes, it has many adaptions, the most famous one having been made by—
Rainbow Dash: So why is he suddenly asking us about an old children’s fairy tale?
Rarity: He’s probably trying to distract us.
Rainbow: (glares) Or the Mermaid in the movie had some quirk that he gets off on. If he thinks I’m going to make a tender sea princess here just because he turned me into a mermaid, then he’s got another thing coming!
Pinkie Pie: OH! The little Mermaid? I love that movie as a kid. The many colorful fishes, the songs, not so much how people say the main character is a spoiled brat who dosnt learn and grow, not taking into account the stories more about that father daughter than prince and princess relationship, oh and me and my sisters would laugh at the crazy chief all the-
Villain: Then you probably know what the sea witch did to the little Mermaid after she turned back into herself.
Pinkie Pie: I forgot. Squeee.
Rarity: come on, it’s a childrens movie. It can’t be that bad or scary.
Fluttershy: um, actually… I remember that movie scaring me as a kid
(All the other girls stare at Fluttershy)
Sunset: Why?…
Villain: Here’s a little hint.(raises the stone above his head as it starts to glow yellow)..
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(English translation here done by TheOneAJ, see the origin Dutch and English version on DA)
Sunset Shimmer: The little Mermaid?
Applejack: Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that a children’s movie?
Twilight: Book too, but yes, it has many adaptions, the most famous one having been made by—
Rainbow Dash: So why is he suddenly asking us about an old children’s fairy tale?
Rarity: He’s probably trying to distract us.
Rainbow: (glares) Or the Mermaid in the movie had some quirk that he gets off on. If he thinks I’m going to make a tender sea princess here just because he turned me into a mermaid, then he’s got another thing coming!
Pinkie Pie: OH! The little Mermaid? I love that movie as a kid. The many colorful fishes, the songs, not so much how people say the main character is a spoiled brat who dosnt learn and grow, not taking into account the stories more about that father daughter than prince and princess relationship, oh and me and my sisters would laugh at the crazy chief all the-
Villain: Then you probably know what the sea witch did to the little Mermaid after she turned back into herself.
Pinkie Pie: I forgot. Squeee.
Rarity: come on, it’s a childrens movie. It can’t be that bad or scary.
Fluttershy: um, actually… I remember that movie scaring me as a kid
(All the other girls stare at Fluttershy)
Sunset: Why?…
Villain: Here’s a little hint.(raises the stone above his head as it starts to glow yellow)..
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