> OVC Entry- An Owl?
> Characters: Bedlam, Nostalgia, Somber Moon.
> B: "heeeeeey Brother from another father!!"
> SM: "hmmm?.." turns around and looks to see Bedlam "Oh Hey there Bedlam, uhhh…what are you hiding behind you wings?"
> B: smiles a great big smile hehehe ohhh well I just wanted to introduce you to my little sis.."
> SM: "Little sister? I-I didn't know you had a younger sister… Wait so I'm a big brother AGAIN? jeez, okay lets see her"
> Bedlam uncovers her wings from her sister
> SM: "AN OWL?!"
> Her sister hides her face a bit
> N: w-well no u-uhh Sir? I'm well a combination of animals like my father and sister heh heh" Nostalgia says blushing
> B: "YEAH! she's like meh! she's a bit shy, her name is Nostalgia"
> SM: "ahh cool well it's nice to meet you, Nostalgia. Haha I guess you can call me brother."
> N: "w-well its nice to m-meet you, brother"
> Well I Finally finished my Entry for [qatsby](https://www.deviantart.com/qatsby)'s contest!
> I hope you all enjoy!
> Art, Bedlam, Nostalgia belong to: [Ask-Y](https://www.deviantart.com/ask-y) (me)
> Somber Moon belongs to: [qatsby](https://www.deviantart.com/qatsby)
> Back ground art isn't mine and could not find a link.
> (DO NOT COPY/STEAL) Fanart of my characters is ALWAYS welcome, just link me <3