> Leader Rabia: The ruler over the Umbrum race. She made sure her clan was well taken care of, and she had the groups interest as a whole in her mind, though not individually between them. She was also the one that lead the militia towards the Crystal Empire to either a) Make peace with the Empire and eventually live in harmony with the crystal ponies or b) seize control of the Empire and force the crystal ponies out, taking back their rightful land. In the end, it only lead to death, with 99% of the Umbrums wiped out by the power of the Crystal Heart, including her and Sombra's folks.
> Draven: Sombra's father and a soldier in the Umbrum militia. When not in training or in battle, he was a truly soft-spoken, kindhearted soul. He had a deep love for his wife and son, and dreamed of a day where the Umbrums and crystal ponies could live in peace, and hoped that him and his love could raise their son together and to be happy and healthy- though unbeknownst to him, that day would never come.
> Clove: A young mother to Sombra who only wanted the best for her family, and was secretly fearing the plan of attack Leader Rabia had made for the Crystal Empire. She had a worrying feeling in her gut, something she couldn't shake. Something was going to go wrong, she had to protect her son at all costs, even if that meant giving him away and sacrificing her own life doing so.