-The longer she stays in the Moonlight, the more powerful she becomes. Hence her escape when the stars aligned, amplifying said moonlight and giving her enough power to return to Equestria through the world's atmosphere. This understandably took a great amount of power, warranting her to recharge back at the Castle of The Two Sisters. This is my theory behind why Nightmare didn't directly attack the Mane 6, instead resorting to petty traps in the road on their way to thwart her.
-Her sword, The Night-Handle, can phase in and out of her mane as she needs it. As you can see by the picture, she's capable of not only manually wielding it, but magically as well. It too, can gain power from basking in the moonlight, sharpening the blade back to its former glory.
-The Exo-Verse version of reformed Luna starts at a design that is similar to what we saw at the end of Season One's opener. Over the course of Exo, however, she'll slowly regain her magical power, and heavily resemble a full-grown Nightmare Moon towards the later chapters. This was inspired by an entry by Faust herself, stating that Luna would follow said course. I really like the idea, so I figure I'll put it into play as a shout-out to her.