Following description approved by the commissioner:
Stage 1: Silverstream: Gallus is so cute as a hatchling. I wonder who… Ooh! Where did these glasses come from?
Stage 2: Silverstream: Hey, girls, look at my new glasses! Hey, you! Clean your room! No running the halls! Do your homework! Blah blah BLAH!
Smolder: Hah! Good one Silver!
Stage 3: Sandbar: Hey, Silverstream, are you taller than before?
Silverstream: Sandbar sweetie, I was already your height when you were back in diapers. And please, on school grounds, call me Ms. Stream.
Stage 4: Silverstream: All these crazy kids in this school. I don't know where they get all that energy.
Stage 5: Ah, Gallus, you're such a sweet little griffon. You're gonna be a big strong griffon one day, I just know it.