The fires that consumed the corpse twisted and contorted in shape and colour, forming into the towering visage of a mighty stallion. The air turned from warm to cold, then colder still, as the wind encircled this looming creature of flame.
"Uhh, is dòcha gu bheil thu a’ cleachdadh inneal eadar-theangachaidh airson seo a thuigsinn!"
Whatever she said caught the attention of the fiery spectre, as it then turned its piercing gaze towards her. It's narrowing eyes locked onto her, as it continued to suck in air and grow in size.
"Mamaidh bainne, mamaidh bainne! Tha mi ag iarraidh a' mamaidh bainne gu lèir!"
With that, the eyes of the beast shot out a terrifying flash of red light. Grim took a single, trembling step back. She felt as if her very soul had been impaled.