> Princess of Life, Queen of the Dead
> Did a quick edit to help get through the current storm here.
> Soul Wing didn't get a long and happy life in Equestria as she was murdered by the Changeling Prince(at the time, later he became king) and Draconoquis Queen. She is the first known alicorn death so naturally the other spirits followed her. While in the Spirit World she learned how to dreamwalk, a skill Princess Luna later mastered. She did this to be able to see her two twin foals. She watched as her daughters grew up, then their daughters, and when Nightmare Winter Frost attacked Canterlot, freezing all the royals there except Sombra and Speed Wing. Nova Star and Sunset Starlight's husband, Shining Reflection were in the Crystal Empire when Sunset Starlight was frozen. Nova became Sombra's new heir and later ruled Equestria, changing the official title from Queen just to Princess when she ruled as a unicorn instead of an alicorn, and having two daughters, one of which was the mother of Amore, Celestia, and Luna.
> Soul Wing decided that to protect Equestria from anymore outside species influence and danger, she would take their cutiemark magic and seal the Spirit World. Spirits would no longer be able to dreamwalk and ponies would not know of any royals before Nova Star. The Spirit World named her as their Queen and in Equestria Nova Star made the new title Princess, since she refused to become an alicorn and since Soul Wing ruled over her, she believed she should have a higher rank. This being why their is no current queen in Equestria up until the rule of Empress Luster Dawn. Since the Crystal Empire had no heir they also called their temporary rulers Princess instead of Queen. Later Amore would rediscover the Empire, banish the Umbreons and take back the throne. After the portal was sealed, the only way to view the living world was through a crystal ball that Soul Wing had. This is how she watched over Equestria and every generation come and go, waiting until the day her her love, Speed Wing joined her and later her little sister Sombra, the only alicorn she couldn't give a longer lifespan to, awaiting the day her sister would be reincarnated as a dark and evil entity.
> But as the portal stayed shut and dark magic was defeated in Equestria, new Spirit World creatures came about. First one being Ghosts.
> Ghosts were every creature aside from ponies. Soul Wing believed only ponies should be spirits. Ghosts live on the outside of her kingdom. While they can't live within her afterlife paradise, they gained new abilities. They couldn't be seen by the living world but could change it. This became known as the Astral Plane.
> Demons were the next to spawn. Demons are the leftover dark energy of the spirits and ghosts that formed into living beings. They rarely can slip into the living world. Some examples are the darkness that formed the pony of shadows, Sombra's dark magic, Nightmare Moon's magic, and Tantabus.
> Soul Wing rules over them with an iron hoof until Soulburst reopens the portal and releases demons, ghosts, spirits, and more into the living world. This additionally is one of the many problems that causes Twilight's downfall and the Crowning of Luster Dawn.
> Soul Wing was a princess who was murdered by outside species royalty and became queen of the Spirit World. She hates other species (Like Neighsay) and takes their magic to protect ponies until Soulburst opens the portal and let's both good and bad creatures free into the living world.
> Base:
> [www.deviantart.com/00000066666…](https://www.deviantart.com/00000066666/art/MLP-BASE-Queen-twilight-850570217)
> [00000066666](https://www.deviantart.com/00000066666)