Mage Meadowbrook is actually a changeling who abandoned her hive, after being pushed out and abused for believing stealing love wasn't the way to survive. She disguised herself as an earth pony whenever around others and took up the job of being a healer living in the swamps. She felt incredible satisfaction and happiness being able to help ponies instead of feeding off of their positive emotions. Before disappearing suddenly with the other Pillars, Mage Meadowbrook had a child with an earth pony, the only one who knew who she really was besides the heroes of Equestria. Through a long line of descendants, the changeling genes are completely hidden in any living family line. And after being freed from limbo and being accepted as a member of Thorax's hive, Mage Meadowbrook shifted into her colorful form, which closely mirrored her earth pony disguise. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~ I did little bust sketches of her "old" changeling form on one side and her earth pony disguise on the other!