Born to Silly


Pinkie bought a couple of energy drinks from the annoying salesman that came to the dock. She always carries some
spare change hidden in her hair, ( you know, Pinkie-physics). The man was specifically told (wench in hand by Applejack)
for the trade to be carried out on the wooden floor of the dock, with no contact at all. Believing the girls were crazy but not
wanting any trouble, he did as told and as a goodwill gesture, pushed a bench towards them, for their better comfort and
went away, not before mumbling about how the world had gone nuts since that incident at Nascar.

Refreshed and energized, AJ and Pinkie finished the repairs on the scooter, which thankfully just involved disassembling
some water-logged parts, remove the air filter, drain the engine until it was dry, and reassemble. They didn't try to start it, though.
Both mermaid cousins placed the scooter leaning on the bench and then they sat down on said bench. They took a deep breath of the
wet, salty breeze of the sunset and contemplated their situation. Pinkie sipped her drink, Applejack had already finished

Pinkie: "So… did you expect our day would end like this?"
Applejack: "Nevah in a thousand years, but, to be quite honest… considering that we have battled against
raging she-demons twice, befriended them, defeated crazed forest spirits, fought against sirens in human form, and
even prevented a time-iteration-disaster, Ah think that being turned into a mermaid is not so bad"
Pinkie: "Do I feel some… nonchalance in your voice"
Applejack: "You have been reading the dictionary, don't ya?"
Pinkie and Applejack: * giggle *
Pinkie: Admit it, you like this change.
Applejack: Well, Ah, don't hate it. I like the increased strength, the stamina that come with this body, and the sensitivity.

She places her hand atop Pinkie's shoulder, whom immediately giggles.

Pinkie: Maybe, it is an adaptation to marine life, you know, as sea-creatures we will need to know when and where a predator might be
coming from and the sensitivity of the skin might help us detect changes in the currents of water.
Applejack: You also read that from one of Fluttershy's books, right?
Pinkie: Yep. Also, it could also be the sugar rush of the E-Tank drink you just downed?
Applejack: And talking about downing… I wonder how our deep-one friends are doing right now. I hope that they have not had any troubles
getting Rainbow Dash back into the fold, and that nobody else has been turned into a mermaid, and that our Demon-Duo of Sunset and Sci-Twi don't
become suddenly evil by some kind of evil contraption, and that the Dazzlings are not watching us from afar, and….
Pinkie: Yep, it is definitely the E-Tank, it surely woke that good-old-Pinkie-sense.
Applejack: Why do you say that?
Pinkie: Just a hunch!

winks to the viewer

canon entry


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