Born to Silly


Just to clarify, the yellow flames are her cutie mark. It made more sense to draw it on her.

Fire Blossom
Spicy, Flame Princess, Flutterfire
Family: Fluttershy's Herd
Voice: Sounds like your stereotypical Valley girl

Stats [1-10]:
Dexterity: 9
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Intelligence: 2
Magic: 10
Wisdom: 7
Charisma: 9

"Like OMG that's totally cringe but it gives me LIFE!"
Fire Blossom is the youngest child of the Flutter Five Herd and by far the most energetic. She's incredibly animated and absolute adores talking. Her father Capper jokes that Fire loves the sound of her own voice and he isn't wrong. This little girly-girl loves to be the centre of attention and just have a great time. She's a cheerleader and volleyball player at her school, though seems to struggle with academics.
Most of Fire speech is littered with slang words and terms causing much of her family not to fully understand what she's talking about. She sometimes has to rephrase things she says but doesn't seem too bothered by this.
Fire is very good with children and has aspirations to become a coach and personal trainer.


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