> Galeem Light talk private nightmare moon
> Nightmare Moon- Ah!………Galeem its bean so long wait!!!!
> where is you sister is sh!!!
> Galeem Light- Don't worry Nightmare moon she
> isn't with me she's on the jobs.
> i need to talk to you in private
> *Galeem turns to look at the moon
> see how Celestia banish to the moon
> why just why*
> what's with galeem talk to Nightmare moon????
> what's go on is nightmare in Danger ????
> is go to help her nightmare moon???
> what's Galeem go to tell her????
> is her sister go to Return she go
> to be same???
> Celestia colors are go to be the same???
> (p.s is go to be sad and a good)
> here is eyes
> [sta.sh/018d00g0wlp5](https://sta.sh/018d00g0wlp5)
> MLP Background- [Vector-Brony](https://www.deviantart.com/vector-brony)
> MLP Base- [ArcticWindsBases](https://www.deviantart.com/arcticwindsbases)
> don't use it thank you