> Joke Plant (batpony oc)
> lmao, i know i have curly and short hair but i think it will look better like this
> name: Joke Plant
> nicknames: Jokie————gamingtag: Gorah
> gender: mare
> language: USA's english, but she says some random japanese words
> personality: easily bored, agressive but friendly, cant keep comments to herself , hates to cry
> sexuality: shes not atraccted to anyone
> talent: make jokes
> likes: videogames, bass music, anime, friends , competitive gaming, doritos , memes, baggy clothes
> deslikes: waking up early, ponies who get easily triggered, pink and """""""girl things"""""" , cigarretes smell
> job : games streamer
> dang i forgot to add more freckles to her body, meh i will do it later
> (like me)