
Something snapped within her, a finite line that had been holding her temper in check gave in that instant. One moment she was fuming over HRs choice of security systems, the next came the foot falls of someone approaching her desk. That had been the trigger pushing her rage over the edge, and in a maddening fit of desperation she grabbed the nearest object to her and brought it down over the screen.

Several sharp blows later rendered the comprised system nothing more thank a blackened screen and shattered glass. Each blow sending a fresh spray of plastic keys from the board about the office, their tiny black cubes dancing about like popcorn.

'Whoa there Missy, I think you killed it.' A familiar voice came from over her shoulder. 'Now why don't you try calming down a bit, maybe a few dee-'

That was as far as the wolf got before the next blow connected with his face, and the world froze.

The red haze that had surrounded her vision dissipated just as quickly as it had been born and in that moment her kathartic sense if justice turned to one of horror. Watching as though it were happening to someone else she could see in perfectly clarify the ruined keyboard wrap around the side of the wolf's face, plastic keys shedding off it as several bounced off his head like oversized rain drops.

For a fraction of a second she hoped, prayed that she had not just clocked a potential client with her work station, or that this was all just some bad dream, or as realization slowly settled in, that she had not done any lasting harm.

Like a great oak felled by a wood cutter, she watched as he too fell slowly to the tiled office floor. Then time snapped back into full speed, the keyboard hit the ground at her feet, fallen from her limp fingers. Someone was screaming, and others were staring at her with a mix of concern and horror.

There was no way the Old Man was going to let this one slide.

'Oh God, I'm fired… '


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