Dovely is the only child Cozy Glow and he had a terrible time being her son. On paper, Cozy Glow was reformed. No more delusions of grandeur, no scheming and no plans to take over Equestria. Cozy now lives in the Crystal Empire woking as a waitress at a diner in the main train station. Dovely was the result of a one night stand when Cozy was still very young. He was unwanted and Cozy was quick to remind him of that. She poured her hatred and loathing into this boy. Cozy is not a good mother and after instilling all of her toxic beliefs into Dove, she sent him off to Ponyville and washed her hands of him. Dovely was lost and scared but was taken in by Mr. and Mrs. Cake as their own. They shower him in praise and in spite of his unfriendly demeanour, he will do anything for his adoptive parents. He works at their bakery and has quite the reputation as Ponyville's "pretty boi". He does not know what to do with that title as he actively acts unkind to customers.
His cutie mark is dance related as he's an extremely talented ballet dancer. He mentors a lot of kids in Ponyville on how to dance, going as far to attract the Princess of Friendship to join. She appears to be desperately trying to get Dovely to be her friends but so far he's rejected her advances.