Born to Silly


Originally posted on: August 5, 2020, 12:51 AM UTC
> Sugarberry Snuggliforus Bellflower [dianaverse]
> Imperial Princess Sugarberry Snuggliforus Bellflower "Snuggle Bug" Insecta
> Parents: Crystal Empress Mi Amore Cadenzia "Cadence" Twilight-Sparkle, Crystal Emperor Shining Adamantem Armor Twilight-Sparkle, Queen Mellifera Apis Insecta
> Species: alicorn/changeling
> Build: short and slender
> **Gender: **Cisgender Female
> **Sexuality/Romance: **Asexual, Aromantic
> Sibling(s): **Imperial Princess Fluorescent "Flurry" Heart Twilight-Sparkle [2/3 sibling], Imperial Princess Haven Skies Twilight-Sparkle [2/3 sibling], Princess Potpourri Cinnamon Bark Insecta [1/3 sibling]
> **Partner(s): **N/A
> **Special Talent: **Advisement
> **Occupation:
Student at Crystal Empire University, Imperial Princess of the Crystal Empire
> Residence: Crystal Palace, Crystal Empire
> Personality/Hobbies/Other Information
> Snuggle Bug is only a month older than Flurry Heart and stands at 1/3 of her taller sister's height
> She was born to the Changeling Queen, Shining Armor being her biological father (the base) and Cadence providing the love in order for Mellifera to have a child
> She holds her status as the first hybrid born in Equestria in high regard, sometimes using it in diplomatic meetings
> Important Relationships
> Queen Mellifera Apis Insecta [birth mother]
> Crystal Empress Mi Amore Cadenzia "Cadence" Twilight-Sparkle [magical mother]
> Crystal Emperor Shining Adamantem Armor Twilight-Sparkle [biological father]
> Imperial Princess Fluorescent "Flurry" Heart Twilight-Sparkle [partner princess]
> Princess Potpourri Cinnamon Bark Insecta [baby sister]
> Their Majesty Emerald Firefly [reluctant best friend]
> WIP [edited 9/16]


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