
You might notice Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are significantly less saturated in my designs than in canon, that's because I headcanon that earth ponies tend to have more "earthy," natural colors. Scootaloo in my headcanon is an earth pony born in a pegasus body; she has primarily earth pony magic (inherited from her father), which is why she can't fly. This is a very rare disability but Trixie has something similar; she is also an earth pony, but in a unicorn body. Unicorn horns channel all sorts of magic, though, so she sort of got "lucky." Trixie can still use whatever earth pony magic she has by channeling it through her horn, but it's not natural and thus her magic comes out very flawed and impure.

Apple Bloom is the tallest of the group in adulthood, even though she was the shortest when they were kids. Then it's Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stays teeny tiny.

Oh, also in my headcanon, Scootaloo is an orphan. I really did not like The Last Crusade, and I specifically remember there was this one scene from an earlier season where she was talking to Rainbow Dash's parents about not really having anyone to take care of her. Or something like that. I really liked that storyline and would have liked to see it develop into something genuinely meaningful, but, unfortunately, that's not what we got. So in my world Scootaloo was adopted by Rainbow Dash's parents, and Rainbow Dash considers her a sister.

Not too happy with how Sweetie Belle came out but whatevs. On another note, does anyone happen to know what episode this screenshot is from? I'd like to watch it lol


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